What We Offer and How We Put Our Customers First!

We understand that each customer has a unique set of needs, that there isn't a one-size-fits-all service.  We also understand that a families personal items have a unique and special place to each member and for that reason we ensure that everything we do honors your families life-long investments.  It is with our unique services that we can ensure our customers are positioned for financial success in their choices.  Please take a moment and see how each of our services can compliment your estate goals:

Estate Sales

Estate sakes should honor your families life-long investments.  Avery, Teach and Co., achieves this through extensive planning, research, pricing and a three-part sales system:

  • Pre-sale: Allows those unable to attend day 1 activities to buy on-line, resulting in better coverage for your items.  Pre-sales are announced well in advance so that all buyers have a fair opportunity to make a purchase and is usually run in an on-line auction beginning the day prior and ending the same evening.  items sold are marked and available for pick-up at the buyers convenience.  Should a buyer require shipping assistance, Avery, Teach and Co., work with the buyer to coordinate and ship purchases further expanding our customers audience.
  • Sale Days: Normal in-person sales begin on Fridays and Saturdays (Sundays or multiple weekends if the property requires additional time) fully staffed by our knowledgable staff.  The Avery, Teach and Co., staff ensure that our customers best interest are always top of mind while making our sales competitive for customers and fun.
  • Post-sale: Donating or sacrificing items left after the sale aren't the only options.  Our on-line post sale allows customers the opportunity to review and buy last chance items they may have missed.  Ensuring that every item realizes its true value for our customer.  

One important service we offer is the Estate Sale Audit (ES Audit).  We realize that our service may not be for everyone, and we've had enough customers who started with a bad experience only to later find Avery, Teach and Co., and experience what they missed first time around.  We're not saying that other services are bad, but we're realistic enough to know that there have been customers who didn't realize the full value of their items, who may have signed contracts that are designed to help the estate sale company and not the customer, who end up making nothing while the service they hired makes everything.  This is why Avery, Teach and Co., offer the ES Audit; Avery, Teach and Co., will provide appraisal services on your high value items so you have an independent appraisal to work from.  We can Audit sales records to ensure that you receive everything you were promised.  We will audit the contract and make recommendations on changes to rates, verbiage and other contractural items and when we have questions we will have our attorneys review the contract to ensure no stone is left unturned.  Lastly, we can offer the hidden or monitored sale services.  Monitored Services is accomplished in one of two ways, first we can monitor your sale remotely and by camera or we can send in "hidden," shoppers who will engage with sales people, ensure that prices are realized and that the service providers are meeting all security and contractual obligations.

So please reach out to our Estate Sale Staff, they are always ready to answer questions and assist customers with all of their needs.

    • Full in-home Estate Sales
    • On-line Sales
    • ES Audit
    • Montiored Services



Avery, Teach and Co., has over 40-years of experience in appraisal services wether a rare antiques, artwork, collectibles, guns and other weapons, jewelry, military, numismatics (coins, medals, tokens, paper money, etc.,) sports memorabilia, Automotive and vehicles, and much more.  We also work with our newest partner the Standard Grade to provide appraisals for comic art, books and collectibles.  Please reach out to one of our professional appraisers for more information.


Home Inventory

Avery, Teach and Co., offers a unique service called home inventory.  We come into your home and can capture and maintain an inventory of your home and possessions.  Why would this service be needed you ask?  The Owners of Avery, Teach and Co., experienced what happens when your home is lost to fire or natural disaster, the challenges of working with an insurance company to recover your losses and in certain cases confirm ownership for replacement.  Our home inventory service can audit and asses specific items that may be of high value or we can do all items; home inventory is a scalable service designed to ensure you have a safe and secure inventory of your possessions should the day come that you're family is impacted by fire, water or other natural disaster.   Please reach out to one of our professional inventory experts for more information.



Avery, Teach and Co., believes in a green tomorrow, we pay careful attention in each item and its potential for reconditioning, reuse, and donation.  When we donate items we inventory and asses value of all items to provide a detailed report to the client with their donation slip for their tax records.  For a property clean-out we will leave the property in a broom-swept condition ready for a real estate closing if appropriate. For the items you don't sell and wish to keep but may be too large for you to move, Avery, Teach and Co., works with several moving professionals that we can enlist to provide estimates and services as needed.  So please reach out to one of our professionals to discuss all of the unique services offered as part of our clean-out services.

    • Donation Assistance
    • Moving Assistance
    • Art Moving Services


Managed Home Improvement

Once your sale is complete and your clean-out finished, it may be time to sell your property, but what if your property isn't ready?  Avery, teach and Co., is ready to help! We work with our partner companies who can ensure your property is ready to sell and realize the highest value.  Our team can do a full inspection and review of your property; results of a review and inspection allows Avery, Teach and Co., to develop an improvement plan that ensures that you're repairing only what needs to be repaired, while driving your realized sale price to where it should be for the most profit rather than selling it for what you can get and just to move the property. Talk to one of our representatives to see how we can help.

Restoration Services

Restoration Services, a unique offering provided by our Partner Olek inc., who employs a team of over 40 artisans, including master cabinetmakers, blacksmiths, metal workers, machines, welders, artist, sculptors, upholsterers, glaziers and stained-glass artisans.  Olek Inc., has been nationally recognized and with numerous articles in the New York Times, New Yorker and other journals and trade magazines.  Through our partnership, we cannot only offer an appraisal of your items but we can also ensure that your items fetch the highest price by ensuring that they are professionally prepared and ready for sale.  Contact us for more information, we work directly with the Olek Team managing the entire process from start to finish, so that your items are represented, managed, and meet the highest standards before they're returned to you or sold as part of a sale.